A recording of my journey through pregnancy.

My thoughts- loves - passions - projects. My virtual "Downloading" tab. ecclectic mix and randomness. Have fun and stay a while maybe!

Friday, August 19, 2011

So Excited

I am getting so excited about this whole thing. I am so busy, I haven't been logging any of my feelings or doings. But, my feelings are easy, tired, excited, impatient. I just feel so good. I feel overwhelmed sometimes, but I know it will all work out. I have been shown so much support. I plan to post a belly pic soon and also so pictures of the generosity I have already been shown. I have baby books, maternity clothes, a basinet (sp?), and a baby bed, stroller/carseat and more maternity clothes coming! I am so excited and so lucky and so happy. This is wonderful!!!!!!!

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