A recording of my journey through pregnancy.

My thoughts- loves - passions - projects. My virtual "Downloading" tab. ecclectic mix and randomness. Have fun and stay a while maybe!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Not Hungry

These last few days have been very odd. I have struggled with having an appetite. While I have always had a healthy appetite, especially since pregnant. I now really don't. I am having to make myself eat. Once I eat I feel fine, not sick or anything, but it feels so odd to not be hungry. I am ready to go to the appointment next week and talk to my Dr. about it. I love eating so it is odd to me to not feel so hungry. It just started too, like Sunday. I feel like when I eat, I am eating a more appropriate amount, versus alot of food. I gained 6.5 lbs between my 8 wk and 12 wk appointment so maybe I won't have gained as much this time, which would really be healthier. I doubt it though, I will have a week of not hungry to stack against 3 weeks of starving constantly. We shall see I guess. I just hate feelinging like I don't know what is happening or if everything is okay. My gut is telling me all is well though, which makes me feel comforted.

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