A recording of my journey through pregnancy.

My thoughts- loves - passions - projects. My virtual "Downloading" tab. ecclectic mix and randomness. Have fun and stay a while maybe!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Junk Food

Okay - so last week and the end of the week before were bad weeks for me. I was eating junk food like crazy and just never stopping. Nothing else sounded better or tasted better. I even ate meat several times. Ugh. I have a leftover club in the fridge and it makes me sick to think about. Why? I don't get my body right now at all. Today I had oatmeal for breakfast and am not remotely hungry at all. In fact my stomach hurts kinda. WTF?! I really don't get it and I want to, it is really frusterating. I need to go to the store and replinish my fruit supply. I think I could eat that again. I was so burnt out. I never get burnt out on stuff. I could and sometimes do eat the same stuff day after day for weeks. I do not understand. I almost feel like an entirely different person. Feels pretty good to be back on track though food wise, well I guess I should say making 1 good decision after a string of not so good ones. Intend to make this week full of good choices though. Food and otherwise.

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