A recording of my journey through pregnancy.

My thoughts- loves - passions - projects. My virtual "Downloading" tab. ecclectic mix and randomness. Have fun and stay a while maybe!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Baby Appointment!

Had my 16 week appointment today. Heard the heart beat again. 148 bpm. Last month it was 160 bpm. Don't worry, totally normal. I was convinced to take my flu shot today. YUCK. Wish I had waited and thought it over for a month. I don't want to vaccinate the baby, why did I vaccinate myself? I also gained 5 lbs. I'm so bad. I need to get it together, but it doesn't feel like I'm over eating. I eat when hungry and don't when I'm not. So, it's a mystery. It will be a bland grocery trip next time we go. I have to finish some reading for class tonight, but I had to pop in cause I'm still feeling so excited and lucky! I should be in KY this weekend getting some more baby supplies. YAY!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I have school tonight. I am taking 4 classes, 2 each nine weeks of the semester. I am so nervous. I am worried I won't do well or get the work done. I am worried I won't have other time to prep for the baby or take care of the house at all. I just preform the best under pressure, so I feel that when my load is light, I tend to slack. At least this way I have many responsibilities. I feel I will come closer to living up to all the responsibility and maybe even getting more then anticipated done.  I am happy to get 12 hours knocked out. I hope I can keep it up and also that I can get on track for being a dentist. I just don't seem my classes being available at night. Most of what I am taking now is elective, I need to get the other ones done! I feel like alot of changes are coming my way. I just really hope I am able to stay in school and work. I wish I could work at Sephora full time and educate. They can work around a schedule much better then M-F 8-5 like my full time job. On the other hand, I just got a nicer office and furniture, I feel I need to stay here a while longer. I just don't know what to do. I hope the answers come to me.

Not Hungry

These last few days have been very odd. I have struggled with having an appetite. While I have always had a healthy appetite, especially since pregnant. I now really don't. I am having to make myself eat. Once I eat I feel fine, not sick or anything, but it feels so odd to not be hungry. I am ready to go to the appointment next week and talk to my Dr. about it. I love eating so it is odd to me to not feel so hungry. It just started too, like Sunday. I feel like when I eat, I am eating a more appropriate amount, versus alot of food. I gained 6.5 lbs between my 8 wk and 12 wk appointment so maybe I won't have gained as much this time, which would really be healthier. I doubt it though, I will have a week of not hungry to stack against 3 weeks of starving constantly. We shall see I guess. I just hate feelinging like I don't know what is happening or if everything is okay. My gut is telling me all is well though, which makes me feel comforted.

Friday, August 19, 2011

So Excited

I am getting so excited about this whole thing. I am so busy, I haven't been logging any of my feelings or doings. But, my feelings are easy, tired, excited, impatient. I just feel so good. I feel overwhelmed sometimes, but I know it will all work out. I have been shown so much support. I plan to post a belly pic soon and also so pictures of the generosity I have already been shown. I have baby books, maternity clothes, a basinet (sp?), and a baby bed, stroller/carseat and more maternity clothes coming! I am so excited and so lucky and so happy. This is wonderful!!!!!!!