A recording of my journey through pregnancy.

My thoughts- loves - passions - projects. My virtual "Downloading" tab. ecclectic mix and randomness. Have fun and stay a while maybe!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Snack and Dinner

At work I had 1/2 a Godiva chocolate bar. I had high expectations, and was let down. Once back home 2 more pieces of pizza, and 2 pieces of a Kit Kat. Finally my prenatals and DHA. Time for bed now. Hoping not to pee 4 times tonight. One thing I hate about all the water  drink now. Got nauseas today watching a pageant mom get crap for her daughter who was 9. It was awful and the kid was not into it at all. It would be one thing if the kid was loving it, but she was so disinterested and mainly watching her little brother. Sad stuff.

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