A recording of my journey through pregnancy.

My thoughts- loves - passions - projects. My virtual "Downloading" tab. ecclectic mix and randomness. Have fun and stay a while maybe!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

28 Weeks!

So I had my 28 week appointment Monday and they said I am measuring at 31 weeks. Not going to lie, that is very exciting to me. I went from feeling amazing to tired and grumpy and wore out. I think all is well though, I feel great (considering), she moves all the time, and just all around I feel like all is well with my body. I am starting to feel contractions. That's weird. All in all though, things are going very well and I am so excited to meet this little girl. Charlotte I think will be here name, Charlotte Elise. Adam likes it, I like it. That's all I really care about, but Carmel likes it a lot too, so that is a definite perk. I am hungry all the time still, but have belly aches alot. I am somehow still gaining so much weight, yet I can't eat nearly what I want or what I was. I still only feel a little bigger (except my belly). Legs are bigger, probably love handles and butt, and then my boobs have exploded with size. They have been bigger than my belly up until last week. They still seem to be growing too. UGH. Bras shipping though, so hopefully I will see them next week. Adam has the whole babys rom drywalled. Now he needs to mud and sand so I can paint. Maybe I will come home Black Friday and see that progress made. I really want to get her room decorated and complete. I want to paint her dresser and get clothes in it! Going to KY for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Excited to take alot of pics, it will be the first Thanksgiving there in a several years. Very excited!

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