A recording of my journey through pregnancy.

My thoughts- loves - passions - projects. My virtual "Downloading" tab. ecclectic mix and randomness. Have fun and stay a while maybe!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I have a little baby girl growing inside me! I can't believe it. The ultrasound was so fun and so amazing and made this all feel more real. I know I have felt her move a few times, but just since the ultrasound I know I have felt her twice. It's like seeing made my other senses more aware. I feel so excited and lucky! I guess we will have to try again another time for little John Wesley, considering this lil lady will have a very female name. I can't wait to start thinking of them and picking out some with Adam! He is excited. It was so adorable to see his smiles during the ultrasound and also hear his reaction to the sex. It caught us both so off guard. We were sure she was a little boy. He just kept saying that all that mattered was that she was healthy and she is! This is wild! I will have little fingernails to paint and hair to do. So much responsibility either way,  but I will have so much work building a strong woman! So excited. 20 wk appt next Tuesday. Wish every appt was an ultrasound one too. I want to see more of  her. She was so active and was sucking on her fingers. She didn't want us to see her lady parts. She waved at us. It was the coolest and most crazy thing I have ever expirenced.

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